There seems to be an 'Awareness' month dedicated to nearly everything.
Lately I've been thinking about a few that are especially important to me:
1) Celebrate Recovery Month (September)
This past month, I was involved in planning the West Michigan/Lakeshore Recovery Fest Event. Too me the redemption work that must take place within a recovery individual's life is extraordinary. It is truly a cause worth celebrating. It is an honor to stand with those who fight everyday for healthier substance-free living.
I also participated in presenting at Michigan's substance use disorder conference in Lansing with my team. I was incredibly nervous. It was my first time time speaking in front of a room full of professionals. Our team did a wonderful job presenting our adolescent substance abuse program. Our session was very interactive and it felt good to be able to answer some questions.
2) Depression Awareness (October)
This one is deeply personal for me. There are so many people suffering and wrongly diagnosed with this condition. Depression is commonly talked about these days, yet I don't think the public really understands much about it. The symptoms vary and effective treatment is unique to each individual. I remember being hurt when told, "What do you have to feel sad about?" or, "What's so bad about your life?". They were right, there wasn't any outward reason why I should be feeling the way I was. It has taken me years to accept that my body does have a different chemical balance than most. Medical, spiritual and alternative therapy fields all have different views on the causes and treatments for this mental health issue. Without support, depression can be lonely and severely serious.
The folks behind awareness months are putting forth their voice to a pain. These months typically convey the importance of education and knowledge.
At work I often hear the question, "why do I need to know this stuff?"
Maybe because it simply allows us to be a better "brother's keeper". Knowing more about the experiences of others enables us to better sit with them in their struggles and celebrate with them in their triumphs.
Are there certain awareness months that are special to you?