About Me

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My name is Courtney. I am a Substance Abuse Therapist training to be a Mental Health Counselor. I desire to possess a sense of wonder each day. Join me.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

balance my sentimental heart

Personal love and birth stories really stir me up. You should probably go read this one. Be prepared to melt.
"I am trying to balance my sentimental heart with the one that embraces reality and understands that the present is the most important time."
- Kelle Hampton

Quiet and Slow

It's the weekend, and I feel slightly guilty...I am being  unproductive.

Yesterday was slow-going.
I went to meet with Raul for mentoring, but found out that he was out-sick when I arrived.

I had so many no-show/cancellations at work (possibly weather related).

I also had one the WORST clients ever (and I'm not saying this lightly). I am an optimist and try to see the good and humanity in every person, but this guy really stretched my capacity!

Luckily, I had a hair appointment scheduled directly at 5 pm. It was such a relief to get some great Aveda tea and have my hair freshened up (I went dark again...like real dark..it's almost black, but it's semi-permanent, so it will likely fade-out rather quickly).

Next, I got to meet up with Biz and Steph. It was National Margarita Day? and OTB had a 2+ hour wait, so we went down the road to another restaurant. It was refreshing to be able to catch up with them.

I came home and quickly finished up a paper that was due by midnight. I am a last-minute queen!
I went to bed, excited to be able to sleep in and for the possibilities of an open Saturday.

However, I woke up with a major headache (feels like the left side of my head is being squeezed). So, today has been laziness to the MAX.

I watched the documentary, "No Impact Man" and then the entire first season of "The Wonder Years".

I have been laying around and knitting all day (using my favorite bamboo yarn :).

I have a real hard time with feeling like I'm wasting a day away, yet I think my body and mind really needed this quiet and slow time.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013


It's no secret, this winter has been a hard one for me emotionally.

I have been so tired and have been slumping around in the shadows...away from my passion, energy and sense of wonder.
It hasn't been good.

For days I've gotten up out of bed 45 minutes before my first appointment (in Downtown GR). 
I've taken some pretty quick showers,
dressed in whatever clothes were already strewn around my room,
hopped into my car, combed my hair and applied some necessary makeup..all during my rushed commute.

I love my job, but it too was starting to drain me.
And don't get me started on school! SO SICK of it.

Then came 2 pm on Wednesday afternoon.

I was meeting with someone who has been on my radar since November. I wish I could share with you this person's story, but due to confidentiality, I am learning to hold me tongue.

Let's just say I had an 'Ah ha' moment (cliche, I know).
This person's story of resiliency, triumph and reverence for life despite so much pain..woke me up.
It was shocking, I wasn't expecting it. Especially from this individual.

His perspective had a ripple effect on me...I felt myself become closer to the truth and vibrancy that inspires me.

I told him, "thank you for sharing with me parts of your story. It's amazing."
"Yes, it is" he replied.

I pulled on my boots and went for a walk in the rare Febuary sunshine.
Ah, life. Crazy, mysterious and wonderful. It was here all along.
I'm coming back.

Friday, February 8, 2013

work of art.

Abraham Joshua Heschel's advice to young people:
"Above all, remember that the meaning of life is to live it as if it were a work of art. You're not a machine. When you're young, start working on this great work of art called your own existence."
circa 1972

Winter White

West Olive via WoodTv8

snow, Snow, SNOW! I love everything about it.

Well, except for driving in it. My sister got stuck last night and my mom didn't make it all the way out of her driveway today. not so fun times.

I passed a one-story-high snowman on the way to work and tried to maneuver my kia around the newly emerged, massive potholes.

Last night was the second Thursday class in-a-row that was cancelled due to the weather. My professor reluctantly cancelled class and then emailed us a handful of extra articles to critique. ugh.

But, what did I do with an extra three evening hours?
cooked a rosa pesto pasta dish with broccoli, made guacamole (I guess I had a weird Italian and Mexican combo going), finished a baby blanket, cracked open a bottle of Cascade Cranberry and watched three episodes of Downton Abbey.

I was slightly sad to wake up and hear about all the school closings, because it meant not getting to meet with Raul this morning. However, I did enjoy getting to sleep-in for an extra hour!

What are you doing this weekend?

I have lots of writing and reading to do, but maybe I'll get to watch my brother snowboard or my cousins ice-skate some.
Typing by the lodge fireplace with a mug o' tea sounds nice.
And then, tomorrow evening is my dad's big 50th birthday celebration at the FOP.
Should be an interesting time.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


For the past TWO weeks I have experienced tremendous trouble in getting myself up and moving in the mornings.

You would think getting out of bed was akin to me preparing to climb a mountain!

It has really been bad...I've been getting really good at procrastinating and sleeping lately. Too good!

My mom says that it's seasonal, but I'm researching symptoms of Mono.

I can't figure it out...I am happy and content but tired ALL the time.

On Thursday I took an unplanned sick/snow day (I'm just getting over feeling guilty about it). I slept until 2pm, chatted with Emilie and then finally got around to doing some homework at 5 pm.

Friday, I went to work, but slugged around most of the day and even talked myself out of going to the gym. Poor choice.

Today I slept for three hours in the MIDDLE of the afternoon.

Jeez, I need to inherit some spunk or something! Maybe I'll try poppin' some more Vitamin D.

Anyone else in a lazy, winter slump?