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My name is Courtney. I am a Substance Abuse Therapist training to be a Mental Health Counselor. I desire to possess a sense of wonder each day. Join me.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


For the past TWO weeks I have experienced tremendous trouble in getting myself up and moving in the mornings.

You would think getting out of bed was akin to me preparing to climb a mountain!

It has really been bad...I've been getting really good at procrastinating and sleeping lately. Too good!

My mom says that it's seasonal, but I'm researching symptoms of Mono.

I can't figure it out...I am happy and content but tired ALL the time.

On Thursday I took an unplanned sick/snow day (I'm just getting over feeling guilty about it). I slept until 2pm, chatted with Emilie and then finally got around to doing some homework at 5 pm.

Friday, I went to work, but slugged around most of the day and even talked myself out of going to the gym. Poor choice.

Today I slept for three hours in the MIDDLE of the afternoon.

Jeez, I need to inherit some spunk or something! Maybe I'll try poppin' some more Vitamin D.

Anyone else in a lazy, winter slump?

1 comment:

  1. Yesss!! I can SO relate to this. I don't know what my deal is! I feel like I could sleep for days. And working out? Good for you for even considering it! I have totally abandoned all thoughts of physical exertion. =) Hope you feel better soon! Let me know if the Vitamin D helps!
    PS. It was so lovely catching up the other night- I hope we can do that again soon!
