I slipped, slid, spun, and hit a guard-rail on my way to work this morning.
Quite frightening.
I am okay. I didn't hit anyone.
The officer that came to help me was very kind, and helped me to get straightened back around.
My grandparents (of course) came too.
I went on my way with a scrapped-up, but drivable vehicle.
My coworkers said, "You look, white as a sheet."
Yes, it was scary.
A wake-up call. A reminder of fragility.
I'm still a bit shaky.
During lunch, I closed my door and pulled out my knitting to help myself settle down some more.
I feel very humbled and awake now.
Time to be more careful, alert and all the more reason to increase my practices of gratitude.
Some things are just so sudden, and out of our control.
In lighter news,
I'm spending that last part of today, training to be a wanna-be therapist (aka Intern).
It's refreshing.
I'll be able to work with REAL, diverse, local people (and not just MDOC Men, men, and more men).
Four more days until take-off --> NZ.
So, VERY ready.
I'm most looking forward to the simple things: sitting, talking, reading, wandering around and jogging outside.
I'm gonna push aside some of the mess I've created until my return.
Maybe a weekend job to fund a new car? I don't know.
One thing at a time!