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My name is Courtney. I am a Substance Abuse Therapist training to be a Mental Health Counselor. I desire to possess a sense of wonder each day. Join me.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

My Week in Numbers

32 Hours at the Office
27 Typed Pages of Homework
22  Hours in a Classroom
3 liters (approximately) of Tea
1/2 bag of Dark Chocolate

Excuse me while I now go into a minor hibernation......

Seriously though, this week has been good even with this much stuff.

I've really learned a lot in my multicultural class.

Some main points:

- A greater awareness of my White Privilege
- Understanding of how biased the histories are that we teach in schools and celebrate with our holidays
- "Race is the superordinate variable" (my professor stated this approx. 584 times), and you can only be 'racist' towards another if you are already in a state of power above them (compared to prejudice)
- racism is learned, not innate
- How we raise our kids now matters. By age three ALL children in research studies have preferred 'white' dolls/toys and associate more positive attributes to Caucasian faces than those of color. As Rob Bell says, we "want to teach our kids so that they will have little as possible to un-learn" as they get older
- Advocating is the highest form of helping
- History is bent towards inclusion, and its moving forward.
- Oodles of info on the Native American cultures and various nations
-  Specific implications for working with Asian American Populations

Fingers Crossed that I get a Nice overall grade. (This dude is incredibly tough). So glad to be done with it and be able to sustain a bit more Sanity in my life!

1.5 Classes left to go!!

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