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My name is Courtney. I am a Substance Abuse Therapist training to be a Mental Health Counselor. I desire to possess a sense of wonder each day. Join me.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Craft + Friends

On Sunday evening, a few friends came over to spend some time together crafting. We knitted, painted, made trees, ate chocolate, drank wine. And of course, discussed the standard things: family, faith, friends, school, work, our dreams, and males.

I have such amazing friends all over...
These young women are no exception.

Cyndl- Has 10 siblings and a massive heart for others. She provides respite care to families with severly special needs children. When you watch her love her kiddos....you just know that that is God working through her.
Julie- Is so creative and so passionate. She works at a craft store (and puts up with a lot of crazy folks) and is going to interior design school. Julie has been mentoring a young Hispanic girl at Burton Elementary for the past few years. She just loves life, adventure and caring for people.
Teresa- is awesome. She has a degree in interior design and works at UBU. She has a talent for making things look so fun and comfortable. Teresa has been working with middle school girls at Mars for several years. She is going on to more design school next year.

I am so glad that God made such good, diverse qualities to give his children.

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