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My name is Courtney. I am a Substance Abuse Therapist training to be a Mental Health Counselor. I desire to possess a sense of wonder each day. Join me.

Monday, March 18, 2013

grace saturated

I've been reading some about food and spirituality (finished Women, food and God) and am in MUCH anticipation for Bread and Wine to be released and delivered to my doorstep.

In our gluttony study, I was introduced to the writing of Norman Wirzaba (note his credentials: Research professor of Theology, Ecology and Rural life at Duke Divinity School---doesn't he just sound awesome?)

I just love this quote:

"Whenever people come to the table they demonstrate with unmistakable evidence of their stomachs that they are not self-sustaining gods. They are finite and mortal creatures dependent on God's many good gifts: sunlight, photosynthesis, decomposition, soil fertility, water, bees and butterflies, chickens, sheep, cows, gardeners, farmers, cooks, strangers and friends...Eating reminds us that we participate in a grace-saturated world" -- Food and Faith

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