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My name is Courtney. I am a Substance Abuse Therapist training to be a Mental Health Counselor. I desire to possess a sense of wonder each day. Join me.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


This time the mind-over-matter thing didn't work....

that sore throat I felt comin' on Sunday night had morphed into the full-blown cold/flu by Monday evening.

It hit me hard.

My existence over the last few days has been comprised of long sleep and short wake cycles.

During my awake times, I've laid on the couch watching Alias episodes and have nearly finished knitting a bamboo baby blanket.

You'd be shocked by the amount of tea I've consumed...(side-note, I've started composting and I think my container is literally going to be stuffed with tea bags soon; we'll see how fast they decompose).

I took two hot baths with lavender and Epsom salts. Sick or not, you should probably try this- felt so good. The second time, I had the grand idea to add two teakettles full of boiling water...It took about 30 min for me to be able to submerge myself in it. Not so smart. My skin kinda looked like a lobster.

I really, really wanted to go back to work today, but the dizziness, feverishness and aches just wouldn't let me.

I don't like feeling like I'm missing out on work, on regular life. So unfortunate that I'm missing small group tonight.

But in a way, this is probably somewhat of a blessing in disguise. It is my Spring-Break week and I wouldn't have been able to have this much quiet time without some germs slowing me down.


  1. Ahhh Court...I hope you feel better soon! Sometimes God allows us these times to make us relax.

  2. Mamma Schrock, I'm on to dose three of elderberry...not sure if it's helping, but I'm hopeful! It doesn't taste too great on its own though.
