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My name is Courtney. I am a Substance Abuse Therapist training to be a Mental Health Counselor. I desire to possess a sense of wonder each day. Join me.

Monday, March 18, 2013

sloth, lazy, rest

I've been trying to learn the difference between laziness and rest.
I always seem to confuse the two.

As we've been studying through the Seven Deadly sins, the lessons on sloth have been good, healthy reminders of where I am putting my 'energies' and where I am finding my rest.

Rob shared,
"Sloth is saying "No" to the endless potentials and possibilities of the life God has given you".

It's kinda like being awake, but not really being present to what's going on around you.

On Saturday morning I awoke at 8 am (typical), and then I decided to 'lay back down'...
I didn't wake up again until about 2 in the AFTERNOON.
So, this means I slept for a grand total of about 14 hours!!
I woke up feeling SHOCKED, confused but also SO rested and calm.
Is there something wrong with me?
Did my body just go into a temporary coma?
What does this mean?

People in my life have been reminding me of the importance of rest.
I'm good at self-care boundaries, yet somehow I always neglect the importance of simple sleep and quiet.

I am slowly seeing how rest is not something to feel guilty about, but a necessary thing that allows me to be more alive and to explore the potentials of this life that God has given me.

1 comment:

  1. oh girl, love the life we can share together even in different countries. (i just wrote a post about rest, and then came over to your little space to see what was going on & saw this. twins.)

    love you.
